

Utah Crew holds monthly board meetings via Zoom on the second Monday of each month.  Active members in good standing are welcome to attend board meetings. Please contact the board Secretary to confirm the meeting time and video link.

Stacey Mahan


John Koutrouba


Cori Agarwal

Interim Safety & Compliance Coordinator

Jason Englund

Marketing & Recruitment Coordinator

Position Open

Vice President

Shane Brogan

Associate Treasurer

Amanda Maughan

Events Co-Coordinator

Jan Nielsen

Website Coordinator

Beth Parker


Allison Goodworth

Travel Coordinator

Brian Child

TeamSnap Coordinator

Cori Agarwal

UOR Grant Coord. & Member at Large

Utah Crew is currently looking to recruit new Board Members to help support our youth rowers. Our most pressing current need is to fill the Safety & Compliance Coordinator role on a permanent basis.

We always welcome interest and applications on a continuing basis, as current members retire and new members need to be trained and onboarded as part of a transition.

If you would like to join the Utah Crew Board of Directors, please send an email to

Utah Crew Sponsors

Interested in supporting Utah Crew?

Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant

The California Avenue Rowing Center was made possible in part by a grant from the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation.

Reagan Outdoor

Regan Outdoor is a generous supporter of Utah Crew, helping us spread the word and reach out to our community!

Become a sponsor

Become a sponsor of Utah Crew, and help us support youth athletes in Utah.
For more info, email